Sunday, June 18, 2006

First belief post

Very simple, what is wrong with gay marriage. some major reasons i support it.
1) jesus himself does not ever comment on gays. Paul does, but Paul is not infallible and also homosexuals were much different back then.
2) Do gays choose to be gay? I don't see why they would. after all, why would some one would choose to be unfairly persecuted. Besides, there is evidence that it is chemically controlled
what do you think


Blogger Harry said...

Well consirdering the fact that marriage rights include the ablity to adopt children, and gay's are not as good perents as a man and a woman (proven through studies) then we allow children to have an abnormal childhood which would lead to an abnormal life if gay's marry. Also, by your logic the people in quarintines in Africa who have ebola should be allowed to leave because they were born to perents who had it and it's their "right" to leave. Choice in society has led to an America that is sure to die if we allow people all of their so-called rights. Slippery slope: allowing gays to marry will also allow people to marry animals. I mean where does it stop?-Ryan

1:08 PM  
Blogger Harry said...

Well carroll, not be offensive, but the bullshit behind your statistic is that you're assuming the kids gays will adopt will have a man and woman parents. you know what's "abnormal" these days. A father and a mother. 50% divorce, 15% (ballpark, an average of racial statistics, but its all irrelevant to what my point is) single unmarried mothers, deaths. They will instead of having gay parents have no parents, which is even worse for a child. And is homosexuality contagious like ebola? And does homosexuality harm your health? Oh no, i just touch a gay guy, now i'll get gay and die. Arguably the stupidest thing ive heard. I respect your opinion that homosexuality is wrong, but that comparison is mindbogglingly incorrect on several levels. difference between homosexuality and bestiality; one has two consenting reasoning humans, the other has one human and an animal who can not communicate. Two entirely different things. One pair can be parents, but a sheep can not raise a kid. Not at all a slippery slope. Also, homosexuality is much more natural than bestiality. In fact, most animals exhibit some homosexual tendencies (not bs, look it up). While indeed homosexuals are not the most normal of situations, they both provide no harm to each other. However, i think that Carnazza should not be allowed to be a married heterosexual, as it only would advance that sssssilly lisssp of hisss. Just joking, but not really.

For other readers, i am not schitzophrenic, i merely share a blog name with the first commenter

4:49 PM  
Blogger Harry said...

I still can't believe you said ebola is like homosexuality. Holy shit man, what's next, homosexuality is the new plague. that said, im just laughing about it, im not mad.

4:54 PM  
Blogger Harry said...

Gays already marry in Massachusetts. Is there no order there? No. gay marriage will not cause disorder. and about the abortion concept, the two problems you mention is more due to numerous murders and assaults by either parents or husbands. This was actually allowed in the original Roe v Wade. And by pressing their beliefs on the court do you mean that you are not pressing you christian beliefs on the courts by not allowing it. the point is that people can do what they want if it harms no one in either a financial (robbery), emotional (kind of a variance within that one, i.e. sexual discrimination but not all emotions) or physical (murder) sense and it doesn't harm themselves (drugs). Otherwise, the law becomes nothing but someone's religion, which leads to oppresion. The difference b/t gay marriage and abortion is one is harmful (abortion) to a party, and one isn't. I already said about how adoption isn't harmful, and what do gays marrying do to anyone? Unlike ebola, gay marriage doesn't cause death.

12:01 PM  

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