Wednesday, July 26, 2006

One of the rare times I will defend the catholic church, but here it goes

Note: I don't hate catholics at all. I just disagree with many church interpretations on current issues (i.e. condoms). Abortion is another exception. that is all i am saying

There is a movie coming out possibly in 2007 called Danielle. It was formally called "the beast". It essentially say JC never existed. I don't mind a movie that suggests Jesus is not god, nor did I really care about the DaVinci code, b/c it was just a fun book. But the inaccuracies of this movie are tremendous. Hopefully, Carroll will be able to tell me all the fin sources that legitimately sight jesus. I know 3 groups:
1) Bible writings
2) Apocryphal writings
3)Dead Sea scrolls


Blogger Harry said...

I know Carroll. jews don't really follow big JC in depth, so i forgot about the roman''s

4:47 PM  

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