Tuesday, August 01, 2006

What really happened on 9/11

9/11 never happened. Not just the attacks, but the day itself did not exist in the year 2001. Let me explain 1) As we all know, there has been a huge increased in ritalin and drugs like it. this is no doubt caused by the evil psychologists and their master, Lord Xenu (currently living under the names Halliburton, Dick Cheney and George W. Bush) 2) We all were transported to the moon (under the watchful eye of Lee harvey Oswald's co-conspirators) at 12:00 P.M. sept 10th, 2001, and simultaneously became the first people on the moon. No time passed in our world, as the moon is in a seperate dimension 3) We were brainwashed into believing that Islam existed and that there were so-called "Islamic radicals" in the middle east. 4) We were subsequently put into a fictional world by robots, who of course needed our life force to live. The actual time lapsed was over 2000 years, but was deleted from our calendar. 5) We returned to earth, all but a few of us. They remembered some of the truth, but there were two distinct sets of them. One was scientologists, the other 9/11 conspiracy believers. The only way we can truly be saved is if these two forces join together, and fight off the government, Christians, jews and all religious peoples of the world *** Note: this is a joke, and my sincerest regrets go out to all who lost someone on 9/11. i am in no way mocking the deaths of those people who died on that day.***


Blogger Harry said...

Carroll, as I already explained, George Bush is truly exil lord Xenu. But there is one person who can save us. some call it L.Rom Hubbard, some Hillary Clinton. It is the savior.

10:12 AM  

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