Saturday, August 05, 2006

Upcoming LD debate topic on August 15th

Ok, I do debate, as does the only person who reads the blog at this point, Carroll. Here are the 7 possible choices for the LD debate topic released on August 15th. So, a discussion about the choices. (Note: One of these choices will be used for Sept./Oct., and another one will be used for Nov. /Dec.)

1)The US should accept the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court.1)
2)A just government should provide health care to its citizens.2
3)Gender categorization ought to be deemphasized in schools.
4)A victim’s deliberate use of deadly force is a just response to repeated abuse.
5)School administrators are justified in exercising editorial control over secondary school publications for reasons other than legal liability.
6)In matters of family planning, the autonomy of the adolescent should outweigh the competing interests of the parent/guardian.
7)Mandatory term limits for elected officials are antithetical to representative democracy.


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