Friday, August 10, 2007

Most ironic things ever

1) When casting "The Terminator", several actors were considered for the title role besides Arnold. One of them was not cast because he was considered to be "not believable" as a cold blooded killer. That man was OJ Simpson

2) (Allegedly) President Kennedy's last words were "That's very obvious". While not ironic unto itself, when said in response to "You cant deny Dallas loves you", that would qualify as ironic

3) The Grateful Dead was a band known for excessive drug use by both the members themselves and the fans. When Jerry Garcia died, he had recently used drugs. The ironic part? Garcia died of simply "Natural Causes", not drug related.

4) Director Steven Soderbergh's first major film was called "sex, lies and videotape". During the filming of the movie, a joke was sent by the producers that they heard he "couldnt direct traffic". 12 years later, Soderbergh won his first oscar..... for directing the drug drama "traffic"

5) In the history of the world, few people have been as deadly and vicious as Attila the Hun. But for all his badass battles, he could not escape his death. From a nosebleed.

6) This one I wont joke about, cause its not really funny. The season finale of SNL in 1994 said goodbye to one of the best performers in the shows history with 2 actors on stage alone singing goodbye. Unfortunately, both Phil Hartman and Chris Farley would die from drugs, Farley his own abuse, and Phil being killed by his wife who was addicted.

7) The Pulitzer prize rewards excellence in journalism. It is named after a man who was among the sleaziest journalists in history.

8) I think you have all heard about a young lad named Steve Irwin

9) General Stonewall Jackson was involved in the deadliest war in US history. Not surprising he died in it. What was surprising was his own troops shot their beloved Stonewall.

10) In the original movie Rambo:First Blood, Rambo kills not a single person. None. At all.

11) Orson Welles is arguably the greatest known person in film of all time. His last role? UNicron in the animated Transformers: The Movie

12) Officially, Three Six Mafia has more oscar wins than Akira Kurosawa.

13) The movie Requiem for A Dream was written to convince younger children and teenagers to not take drugs. The movie subsequently recieved a NC-17 rating, so that none of these people could watch it.

Oh, please read the post below this, I've been on a posting binge for the last few days. Kind of like bulimic people, only without the vomiting and mental scarring.
Odds are that only 3 people will ever see this, but still, do read below.


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