Monday, July 28, 2008

A Public Service Announcement

I'm sure a lot of you (you being proverbial, because I don't think anybody reads this) have seen the movies Shaun of the Dead and/or Hot Fuzz. And hopefully you think they're hysterical, or at least pretty funny. Both movies starred Simon Pegg (Shaun) and Nick Frost (his fat best friend), and were directed by Edgar Wright.

But before this, they all collaborated on something that is, dare I say it, better. This is the greatest show you have never heard of. This is...Spaced.

So what's the show about? Well its a brit-com (get it? like sit-com + british? I'm so goddamn witty) about two homeless britons who need a house. But apparently getting a good flat (which is a dumb british way of saying apartment. damn british walk around like the created the language) is hard to do. So, Simon Pegg (Tim) and Jessica Hynes (Daisy) pretend to be a couple to get an apartment.

Now, I must note that Jessica Hynes actually created the show, so it's not just the guys who did shaun of the dead. Give credit where credit's due, I mean how many women create and star in shows in the US (by which I mean Tina Fey and..... well it should be about 50% of the shows)?

The show is pure genius. First of all, in Britain you can get away with a lot more than here in the US, which is why the show contains rampant drug use and cursing (not like deadwood cursing, but they can say fuck). Hence "Spaced"... as in I'm spaced out on weed. Now cursing and drugs don't neccesarily make a show, but it allows for a certain freedom (Unlike a certain Jack Bauer, who has had 6 of the worst days ever yet still never drops an F-Bomb. DAMMIT!)

Second of all, the show contains some of the greatest pop culture spoofs I've ever seen. Por Ejemplo, in one episode Simon Pegg takes speed from a bunch of Scottish guys (they were too nice to say no) and eventually the episode devolves into him imagining his whole world as Resident Evil 2 (Hence where Shaun of the Dead came from).

But I can't describe funny. Just watch the show, its the best show ever, its out on DVD, you can definitely pirate it and its on tv-links type websites. If I may recommend, Season 1 episodes 3,4, and 5 are my favorites, although I haven't seen all of season 2. But watch every episode. NOW


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