Monday, August 13, 2007

Debate Resolution

So as debaters know, the upcoming resolutions for sept/oct are being released on weds. I am a tremendous loser, as everyone knows, so I will be staying up till midnight waiting for the release. In LD, us Chaminade boys are expecting death penalty to be the resolution, and my bet on the other possibilities are the precautionary principle (Im the only one who dislikes it), trade agreements (I like most besides death) and affirmative action (please say no, the thought makes me shutter). The resolutions are:
Resolved: In United States courts, victim impact statements ought to influence sentencing.
Resolved: The precautionary principle ought to guide environmental regulations.
Resolved: The United States government ought to allocate humanitarian aid to foreign nations based on the need of recipients rather than its own interests.
Resolved: A just society ought not use the death penalty as a form of punishment.
Resolved: In the United States public university admissions, socioeconomic disadvantage ought to be a higher priority than race.
Resolved: In the United States, the federal government ought not limit the autonomy of local school districts to determine their own curriculum.
Resolved: On balance, in its trade agreements the United States ought to value the welfare of workers in developing countries over its economic gains.

This is the only year only 4 resolutions are chosen, because the voting system changes . So, while every year 5 resolutions are chose out of a list of 10, this year its only 4.

If its death penalty, its always good to start out with a joke. See stouwe's "BEcause the schematic told me to, I affirm"
Heres my 2:
"Because the killer in me is the killer in you, I affirm" This is not melancholy or infinite sadness.
"Because it is better to burn out than to fade away, I negate" Grandfather of grunge
Tell me if anyone figures out the songs/artists they are from. I even put hints next to them. This would also allow me to figure out if at least 2 people read this blog.

In PF, i guarantee its about bridges and roads in the US. "Resolved: Bridges will not collapse". Controversial indeed.


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