Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Harvey Keitel vs Edward Norton (Round 1)

This round is very hard. Harvey Keitel is Winston Wolf, a badass so badass even Samuel L gthe badass concedes to his badassery. He also is Mr. White, the most controlled in a group of expert thieves. Ed Norton was an evil badass as a racist and than badass in saving himself in American History X. He was badass for creating anarchy in Fight Club. He was badass the stuttering schizo in Primal Fear (watch it trust me). He was the only white lead who truly was great in a Spike Lee movie, 25th hour. If I was just looking at Winston Wolf, Mr. White, "Champ" from Taxi Driver, and the guy in Mean Streets, Itd be Keitel. But Ed Norton is an amazing actor, and I will not forgive Keitel for National Treasure, so its Norton


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