Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Who is the most badass actor ever?

After watching Pulp Fiction for what must be no more than the 30th time, I pondered to myself as one ponders, who is the most badass actor ever? The initial answer came to me as Samuel L. Jackson, as answers can often be answered by or through Samuel L., but it got me thinking. Isnt Sean Connery on a badass level close to Samuel L.? Or Bruce Willis, he out badassed Samuel L in Die Hard III, which was perhaps the greatest waste of a badass ever? What about Denzel Washington, the badass who can actually act on top of being a badass? So I am going to figure out who is the most badass actor by listing the 16 biggest badass actors (with a director exemption) ever, and eliminating them until only one is there. So heres the list:
Samuel L
Sean Connery
Denzel Washington
Bruce Willis
Harvey Keitel
Clive Owen
Arnold Schwarzennegger
Slyvester Stallone
Michael Bay (Director)
John Travolta
Keifer Sutherland
Edward Norton
Michael Madsen
Marlon Brando
Morgan Freeman
Uma Thurman (girl I know)


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