Thursday, August 17, 2006

Chaminade Scandal #3

First the prom, then finnerty at Duke, then this.

As reported in today's NY Post, secretary Lynn Creamer is filing a lawsuit gainst Chaminade High School. Apprently, she was fired for having an affair with Athletic Director Don Scarola, while Mr. Scarola kept his jobs. She also said that priests looked at her breasts.

In the least shocking accusation, she said Chaminade treated women like second class citizens. Wierd thing too, as she was divorced and he was in the middle of a divorce. So, there is probably more to it. Maybe Chaminade really f**ked up, maybe not.
Yeah sexism.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

topic is relased

And I was wrong. It reads
"Resolved: A just government should provide health care to its citizens. "

Well, prepare to debate. Also, the Public Forum topic is
Resolved: That the benefits of NASA's space exploration programs justify the costs.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Things that piss me off, Pt.1 (horror movies)

As a start to things that piss me off, I would like to make note of the genre of film that is filled with the most crap, the horror genre. I will point out either a) bad movies I have seen or b) movies with premises so dumb I must alert you to them

1) Japanese horror remakes. I will group them together, and say I have seen three of them (The Ring 1 and 2, and The grudge). all sucked. They were dull, predictable and not even violent.

2) remake of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre (and I have also heard this is true for the remake of When a Stranger Calls. Dawn of the Dead the remake was good, but not as good as the original). Although the Texas Chainsaw Massacre had blood and gore, which was a good thing, it did not have scares. The original had no gore at all, and was creepy because it felt very realistic (it was shot almost like a documentary). Although gore can be fun (see the final destination movies, which I find to use gore well. I mean, a guy gets sliced in 3 by a fence, a woman gets killed by an airbag. It uses gore for irony.), it can be omitted when used with suspense. The original TCSM and Halloween both used this well. When a Stranger Calls may suck more seeing as it is PG-13 a.k.a. we cut out violence so more people would see it.

Now for the dumb premises you may not have heard of. You may also wonder how real actors signed up for this

1) Cherry Falls. It stars Jay Mohr (Jerry Maguire, the annoying as hell agent in the diet pepsi commercials), Brittany Murphy (Clueless, Sin City, Just Married) and Michael Biehn (has not done any good recent movies. He was, however, the man who comes from the future to stop the Terminator in Terminator 1, and also was the male lead who did not die in Aliens, the second alien movie.) Now, somebody with a dirty mind look at the title. Think about it. Know the town is supposed to be in Virginia. If you do not already understand, the movie is about a killer who only kills virgins (Virginia, Cherry get it). So how do resourceful teens protect (pun) themselves? By deciding to throw a sex party, where everyone comes (pun) to lose their virginity. This is a real movie, no joke.

2) Leprechaun. The title says it all, it is about a murderous Leprechaun. It actuallty is Jennifer Aniston's first movie. As if the first movie wasn't stupid enough, they made 5 sequels. Among them: Leprechaun in da hood, Leprechaun back 2 da hood, Leprechaun in Space.

3) Jack Frost. A movie about a serial killer who, through a chemical accident, becomes a snow man serial killer. Now, if this was not bad enough, there is a truly bizarre disgusting scene where he kills Shannon Elizabeth (Nadia, the hot European girl who masturbates, from American Pie). Now, why is it disgusting? Because he kills her in a bathtub by sticking his carrot nose in her............... vagina. Yeah. That's how. Snowman rape/murder.

Now there are good horror movies. I have already mentioned two old ones, Halloween and Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Here are some others.

1) Scream. Not incredibly scary throughout, although the opening scene is absolutely fantastic at creating tension and makes it great. But also, the movie has very good characters and observations, and is way more intelligent than one would think. It has characters who aren't stupid, a great use o irony (The guy who played the Fonz is the principle who hates teen culture.) and questions whether horror movies create murderers. Also, is kind of funny.

2) George A. Romero zombie movies (Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead, Day of the Dead, Land of the Dead). Surprisingly, although I have not seen Day, all of these movies are different. One is a black civil rights/suburban critique, another criticizes mall culture, and the third criticizes the wealthy. How? Night has a black protagonist, who against all odds wins against the zombies. Then, when the military comes in, he is shot by the government. It waas made around the civil rights struggle, so you can see the point. Dawn has all the zombies flocking to a mall, not to eat people inherently (there are people in other places). They go there so they can be mall zombies. ah ha. Land is about rich board members who get away (mostly) at the expense of the poor.

That is all.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Upcoming LD debate topic on August 15th

Ok, I do debate, as does the only person who reads the blog at this point, Carroll. Here are the 7 possible choices for the LD debate topic released on August 15th. So, a discussion about the choices. (Note: One of these choices will be used for Sept./Oct., and another one will be used for Nov. /Dec.)

1)The US should accept the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court.1)
2)A just government should provide health care to its citizens.2
3)Gender categorization ought to be deemphasized in schools.
4)A victim’s deliberate use of deadly force is a just response to repeated abuse.
5)School administrators are justified in exercising editorial control over secondary school publications for reasons other than legal liability.
6)In matters of family planning, the autonomy of the adolescent should outweigh the competing interests of the parent/guardian.
7)Mandatory term limits for elected officials are antithetical to representative democracy.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

What really happened on 9/11

9/11 never happened. Not just the attacks, but the day itself did not exist in the year 2001. Let me explain 1) As we all know, there has been a huge increased in ritalin and drugs like it. this is no doubt caused by the evil psychologists and their master, Lord Xenu (currently living under the names Halliburton, Dick Cheney and George W. Bush) 2) We all were transported to the moon (under the watchful eye of Lee harvey Oswald's co-conspirators) at 12:00 P.M. sept 10th, 2001, and simultaneously became the first people on the moon. No time passed in our world, as the moon is in a seperate dimension 3) We were brainwashed into believing that Islam existed and that there were so-called "Islamic radicals" in the middle east. 4) We were subsequently put into a fictional world by robots, who of course needed our life force to live. The actual time lapsed was over 2000 years, but was deleted from our calendar. 5) We returned to earth, all but a few of us. They remembered some of the truth, but there were two distinct sets of them. One was scientologists, the other 9/11 conspiracy believers. The only way we can truly be saved is if these two forces join together, and fight off the government, Christians, jews and all religious peoples of the world *** Note: this is a joke, and my sincerest regrets go out to all who lost someone on 9/11. i am in no way mocking the deaths of those people who died on that day.***